Research on Dynamic Risk

Research on Dynamic Risk

Dmytro Lishchenko and Nima Zeynabi are joining a collaboration Presight has with the University of Stavanger on Dynamic risk. Dmytro will be focusing on human factors in high-risk companies while Nima will look at complex activities that impact safety, the environment...

Presight welcomes Emil Bauck and Tale Stormark to the team!

Presight continues their vision to optimize efficiency and enhance safer operations for the future. Together with us, we present some new faces we are proud to be part of our journey.    We are continuing to work towards enhancing our solutions for safer...
Insights from the Process Safety and Big Data Conference in Frankfurt

Insights from the Process Safety and Big Data Conference in Frankfurt

In the heart of Frankfurt, the 2023 Global Conference on Process Safety and Big Data allowed industry leaders and experts to come together and explore the intersection between process safety and big data. The discussions  offered a platform for discussions spanning...