Presight Barrier Monitor™ keeps improving

Presight Barrier Monitor™ keeps improving Presight hires a PhD candidate to further develop the barrier monitor solution on monitoring human factors that can lead to major accidentsPetroleum Safety Authority has clearly expressed how important it is to track human...

Can we use machine learning to predict safety culture?

Can we use machine learning to predict safety culture?   Navin Isaiah, CTO at Presight Solutions AS, and his development team has been working on a new feature lately. The feature is able to predict the safety culture in an operation by using machine...
Expanding the Team

Expanding the Team

Expanding the team Presight New EmployeesThese two gentlemen have newly joined Presight Solutions AS. Øystein Aspøy and Talat Abunima will focus on expanding our business in existing and new market segments, both nationally and internationally. Welcome! Presight...
Presight Annual Network Meeting

Presight Annual Network Meeting

Networking 2020 Presight Annual Network Meeting 2020 On 23rd of January Presight Solutions conducted the annual Network Meeting. We presented our digital solutions for more efficient and safer operations to an eager group of participants. 25 participants from twelve...