Happy Greetings from Presight to our clients and friends
As the year draws in and holidays are approaching, we take some time to reflect on 2022.
Early in the year, Covid restrictions prevented us from meeting and restrictions kept us at home, but slowly as society opened up for more gatherings, it was finally safe to meet in larger groups and invite our clients and friends to a networking meeting at the Presight premises.

Some of our team at the Operator Conference
Here we discussed how human factors such as inadequate training and experience and long work hours, for example, could lead to undesired events or weaknesses in work processes. Our keynote speaker from the Petroleum Safety Authority, Elisabeth Lootz (Principal Engineer) focused specifically on the frequent and excessive working hours offshore workers have, and the impact it had on their well-being and the safety of their work.
Furthermore, Presight demonstrated how our Barrier Monitor solution can monitor these factors from a barrier management perspective. We communicated the importance of combining barrier management with monitoring safety culture for a more holistic approach to safety management.
“Every other year, more than 65 000 visitors from around 100 different countries gather in Stavanger to discuss energy, technology, and innovation at the ONS (Offshore Northern Seas) Conference”. At this year’s ONS conference we attracted and engaged a whole host of companies, sparking interesting conversations on safety and barrier management.
We were able to exhibit and demo our Barrier Monitor solution to many potential stakeholders.
In action demoing our Barrier Monitor solution
It is safe to say that we have had a busy autumn this year with webinars, networking gatherings, and by attending many conferences. We have also continued to demonstrate our Barrier monitor solution at several of these conferences such as; the Maritime Safety Conference 2022 (sjøsikkerhetskonferansen) organised by the Norwegian Maritime Authority, Rig and Maintenance Conference (Riggvedlikehold konferansen), Drilling and Rig Conference (Bore og rigg konferansen), and the Operator Conference (OperatørKonferansen).